Flow accumulation grid generated from 10 meter DEM, Andrews Experimental Forest

Raster Dataset


Blue River Watershed, digital elevation model (DEM), hydrology model, Oregon, Willamette Basin, topography, GIS, watersheds, computer model., HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, watershed hydrology


For hydrological modeling, determining watershed boundaries and stream networks


Flow accumulation grid generated from 10 meter DEM, Andrews Experimental Forest. This grid is useful for determining the area of land that drains to a point. The user selects a point on the grid, and the value of that point represents the area (in 100 square meters) that drain to the point. This grid can also be used for generating watershed boundaries and stream networks.


Use limitations

While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.


West  -122.290475    East  -122.061069
North  44.288830    South  44.188070

Scale Range
Maximum (zoomed in)  1:5,000
Minimum (zoomed out)  1:150,000,000

ArcGIS Metadata 

Topics and Keywords 

Themes or categories of the resource  elevation

*Content type  Downloadable Data
Export to FGDC CSDGM XML format as Resource Description No

Place keywords  Blue River Watershed, Oregon, Willamette Basin, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest

Theme keywords  digital elevation model (DEM), hydrology model, topography, GIS, watersheds, computer model., watershed hydrology

Title Andrews Forest LTER Thesaurus


Title Flow accumulation grid generated from 10 meter DEM, Andrews Experimental Forest
Creation date 2005-06-15 00:00:00
Publication date 2005-06-15 00:00:00

Edition 1

Presentation formats  digital map

Other citation details hf01601

Citation Contacts 

Responsible party
Organization's name Forest Science Data Bank
Contact's role  publisher

Contact information
Type both
Delivery point 3200 SW Jefferson Way
City Corvallils
Administrative area OR
Postal code 97331
Country US

Responsible party
Individual's name Theresa Valentine
Organization's name Corvallis Forest Science Laboratory
Contact's position Spatial Information Manager
Contact's role  originator

Contact information
Voice 541-750-7333
Fax 541-758-7760

Type both
Delivery point 3200 SW Jefferson Way
City Corvallis
Administrative area Oregon
Postal code 97332
Country US
e-mail addresstvalentine@fs.fed.us or theresa.valentine@orst.edu

Hours of service m-f 8:00am-4:00pm

Resource Details 

Dataset languages  English (UNITED STATES)
Dataset character set  utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Status  completed
Spatial representation type  grid

*Processing environment Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS

ArcGIS item properties
*Name hjaflow
*Location file://J:\hja83\hjaflow
*Access protocol Local Area Network


publication date
Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type  Extent used for searching
*West longitude -122.290475
*East longitude -122.061069
*North latitude 44.288830
*South latitude 44.188070
*Extent contains the resource Yes

Temporal extent
Date and time 2005-06-15 00:00:00

Extent in the item's coordinate system
*West longitude 556704.023599
*East longitude 574914.023599
*South latitude 4893188.904396
*North latitude 4904198.904396
*Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Points of Contact 

Point of contact
Individual's name Theresa Valentine
Organization's name Corvallis Forest Science Laboratory
Contact's position Spatial Information Manager
Contact's role  point of contact

Contact information
Voice 541-750-7333
Fax 541-750-7760

Type both
Delivery point 3200 SW Jefferson Way
City Corvallis
Administrative area Oregon
Postal code 97332
Country US
e-mail addresstvalentine@fs.fed.us or theresa.valentine@orst.edu

Hours of service m-f 0800-1630

Resource Maintenance 

Resource maintenance
Update frequency  not planned

Resource Constraints 

Legal constraints
Access constraints  other restrictions

Other constraints
Access constraints: Available on-line
Legal constraints
Use constraints  other restrictions

Other constraints
Use constraints: See data access policy at www.fsl.orst.edu/lter (especially the data use policy)
Security constraints
Classification  unclassified

Limitations of use
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.

Spatial Reference 

ArcGIS coordinate system
*Type Projected
*Geographic coordinate reference GCS_North_American_1983
*Projection NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_10N
*Coordinate reference details
Projected coordinate system
Well-known identifier 26910
X origin -5120900
Y origin -9998100
XY scale 450445547.3910538
Z origin -100000
Z scale 10000
M origin -100000
M scale 10000
XY tolerance 0.001
Z tolerance 0.001
M tolerance 0.001
High precision true
Latest well-known identifier 26910
Well-known text PROJCS["NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_10N",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-123.0],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",26910]]

Reference system identifier
Value 26910
*Codespace EPSG
*Version 7.11.2

Spatial Data Properties 

Georectified Grid
*Number of dimensions 2

Axis dimensions properties
Dimension type  column (x-axis)
*Dimension size 1821
*Resolution  10.000000 Meter

Axis dimensions properties
Dimension type  row (y-axis)
*Dimension size 1101
*Resolution  10.000000 Meter

*Cell geometry  area
*Point in pixel  center

*Transformation parameters are available Yes

*Check points are available No

Corner points
*Point 556704.023599 4893188.904396
*Point 556704.023599 4904198.904396
*Point 574914.023599 4904198.904396
*Point 574914.023599 4893188.904396

*Center point 565809.023599 4898693.904396

ArcGIS Raster Properties
General Information
*Pixel depth 32
*Compression type None
*Number of bands 1
*Raster format GRID
*Source type continuous
*Pixel type floating point
*No data value -3.4028235e+038
*Has colormap No
*Has pyramids Yes

Spatial Data Content 

Image Description
*Type of information  physical measurement
Attribute described by cell values flow accumulation grid

Band information
*Description Band_1
*Maximum value 8830770.000000
*Minimum value 0.000000
*Symbol Meter

*Number of bits per value 32

Image quality code
Value none

Processing level code
Value none

Triangulation has been performed No
Radiometric calibration is available No
Camera calibration is available No
Film distortion information is available No
Lens distortion information is available No

Data Quality 


Lineage statement
USGS Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was used to create flow accumulation grid.  
Process step
When the process occurred 2003-01-01 00:00:00
Description USGS DEM was converted to lattice. Data processes were done for the entire Willamette Basin. Sinks were filled, flow direction grid was created, and flow accumulation grid was created and clipped to Andrews Experimental Forest boundary. Metadata was created in 2005. GRID functions used: sink, flowdirection, flowaccumulation

Process contact
Individual's name Theresa Valentine
Organization's name Corvallis Forest Science Laboratory
Contact's position Spatial Information Manager
Contact's role  processor

Contact information
Voice 541-750-7333
Fax 541-758-7760

Type both
Delivery point 3200 SW Jefferson Way
City Corvallis
Administrative area Oregon
Postal code 97332
Country US
e-mail addresstvalentine@fs.fed.us or theresa.valentine@orst.edu

Hours of service m-f 8:00am-4:00pm

Process step
When the process occurred 2011-06-21 00:00:00
Description projected from NAD27 to NAD83
Rationale to meet requirements of US Forest Service

Process contact
Individual's name Theresa Valentine
Organization's name Corvallis Forest Science Laboratory
Contact's position Spatial Information Manager
Contact's role  processor

Contact information
Voice 541-750-7333
Fax 541-758-7760

Type both
Delivery point 3200 SW Jefferson Way
City Corvallis
Administrative area Oregon
Postal code 97332
Country US
e-mail addresstvalentine@fs.fed.us or theresa.valentine@orst.edu

Hours of service m-f 8:00am-4:00pm

Source data
Description 10 meter digital elevation model (DEM) clipped to the Andrews Experimental Forest

Resolution of the source data

Source citation
Title 10 meter digital elevation model (DEM) clipped to the Andrews Experimental Forest
Publication date 1998-01-01 00:00:00

Other citation details  gi003 A detailed description of USGS DEMs can be found at http://rockyweb.cr.usgs.gov/elevation/dpi_dem.html as well as a users guide at ftp://mapping.usgs.gov/pub/ti/DEM/demguide/dugdem.txt

Responsible party
Organization's name USGS
Contact's role  originator

Resource location online
Function performed  download

Geoprocessing history 

Process name DefineProjection_2
Date 2005-06-15 10:23:35
Tool location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DefineProjection
Command issued
DefineProjection J:\hja27\hjaflow PROJCS['NAD_1927_UTM_Zone_10N',GEOGCS['GCS_North_American_1927',DATUM['D_North_American_1927',SPHEROID['Clarke_1866',6378206.4,294.9786982]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION['Transverse_Mercator'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',500000.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',0.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',-123.0],PARAMETER['Scale_Factor',0.9996],PARAMETER['Latitude_Of_Origin',0.0],UNIT['Meter',1.0]] J:\hja27\hjaflow
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2011-06-21 16:09:13
Tool location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\ProjectRaster
Command issued
ProjectRaster J:\hja27\hjaflow J:\hja83\hjaflow PROJCS['NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_10N',GEOGCS['GCS_North_American_1983',DATUM['D_North_American_1983',SPHEROID['GRS_1980',6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION['Transverse_Mercator'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',500000.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',0.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',-123.0],PARAMETER['Scale_Factor',0.9996],PARAMETER['Latitude_Of_Origin',0.0],UNIT['Meter',1.0]] NEAREST 10 NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_NADCON # PROJCS['NAD_1927_UTM_Zone_10N',GEOGCS['GCS_North_American_1927',DATUM['D_North_American_1927',SPHEROID['Clarke_1866',6378206.4,294.9786982]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION['Transverse_Mercator'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',500000.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',0.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',-123.0],PARAMETER['Scale_Factor',0.9996],PARAMETER['Latitude_Of_Origin',0.0],UNIT['Meter',1.0]]
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No


Contact information
Individual's name Theresa Valentine
Organization's name Corvallis Forest Science Laboratory
Contact's position Spatial Information Manger
Contact's role  distributor

Contact information
Voice 541-750-7333
Fax 541-758-7760

Type both
Delivery point 3200 SW Jefferson Way
City Corvallis
Administrative area OR
Postal code 97332
Country US
e-mail addresstvalentine@fs.fed.us or theresa.valentine@orst.edu

Hours of service m-f 8:00am-4:30pm

Ordering process
Terms and fees none
Turnaround time as time permits
Obtain information off of WWW site, call contact person for special requests.

Ordering process
Call contact person for instructions and costs.

Distribution format
*Name Raster Dataset
Version arcgis 10.1

Transfer options
Online source
Location  http://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/data/studies/spatialdata/hf01601.zip
Access protocol zip file
Function performed  download


Details for object hjaflow 
Type raster
number of cells that drain to the cell location.
Definition source
FSL Metadata

Field hjaflow
Data type floating point
Width 32
Field description
cell value is the calculated number of 10x10 meter cells that drain to the cell location.  This is useful in determining the landscape area that drains to each point in the grid.
Description source
FSL Metadata document
Description of values numbers representing the number of cells draining to the cell. computer generated


Aggregate Information
Association type  cross reference

Aggregate resource name
Title Gaged watershed boundaries from 10 meter DEM
Publication date 2004-01-01 00:00:00

Other citation details  hf01404

Responsible party
Individual's name Theresa Valentine
Organization's name Corvallis Forest Science Laboratory
Contact's position Spatial Information Manager
Contact's role  point of contact

Contact information
Voice 541-750-7333
Fax 541-758-7760

Type both
Delivery point 3200 SW Jefferson Way
City Corvallis
Administrative area Oregon
Postal code 97332
Country US
e-mail addresstvalentine@fs.fed.us or theresa.valentine@orst.edu

Hours of service m-f 8:00am-4:00pm

Resource location online
Function performed  download

Metadata Details 

*Metadata language English (UNITED STATES)
Metadata character set  utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Scope of the data described by the metadata  dataset
Scope name* dataset

*Last update 2014-01-15

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS 1.0
Standard or profile used to edit metadata FGDC

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2005-06-15 13:29:53
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2014-01-15 11:41:47

Automatic updates
Have been performed Yes
Last update 2014-01-15 11:30:08

Metadata Contacts 

Metadata contact
Individual's name Theresa Valentine
Organization's name Corvallis Forest Science Laboratory
Contact's position Spatial Information Manager
Contact's role  point of contact

Contact information
Voice 541-750-7333
Fax 541-758-7760

Type both
Delivery point 3200 SW Jefferson Way
City Corvallis
Administrative area Oregon
Postal code 97332
Country US
e-mail addresstvalentine@fs.fed.us or theresa.valentine@orst.edu

Hours of service m-f 8:00am-4:00pm

Metadata Constraints 

Security constraints
Classification  unclassified

Thumbnail and Enclosures 

Thumbnail type  JPG

Enclosure type  File
Description of enclosure original metadata
Original metadata document, which was translated yes
Source metadata format fgdc

FGDC Metadata (read-only) 


Citation Information
OriginatorTheresa Valentine
Publication Date4/1/2003
Flow accumulation grid generated from 10 meter DEM, Andrews Experimental Forest
Geospatial Data Presentation Formraster digital data
Publication Information
Publication PlaceCorvallis, OR
PublisherForest Science Data Bank
Other Citation Details
/data/cascade/hja27/hjaflow FSDB Code: GI003 (DEM)
Online Linkagehttp://www.fsl.orst.edu/lter/data/spatialcatalog.cfm?topnav=160

Flow accumulation grid generated from 10 meter DEM, Andrews Experimental Forest. This grid is useful for determining the area of land that drains to a point. The user selects a point on the grid, and the value of that point represents the area (in 100 square meters) that drain to the point. This grid can also be used for generating watershed boundaries and stream networks.
For hydrological modeling, determining watershed boundaries and stream networks
Time Period of Content
Time Period Information
Single Date/Time
Calendar Date2003
Currentness Reference
publication date
Maintenance and Update FrequencyNone planned

Spatial Domain
Bounding Coordinates
West Bounding Coordinate-122.289292
East Bounding Coordinate-122.060016
North Bounding Coordinate44.288981
South Bounding Coordinate44.188309

Theme Keyworddigital elevation model (DEM)
Theme Keywordhydrology model
Theme Keywordtopography
Theme KeywordGIS
Theme Keywordwatersheds
Theme Keywordcomputer model.
Theme Keywordwatershed hydrology

Place KeywordOregon
Place KeywordWillamette Basin
Place KeywordBlue River Watershed
Place KeywordHJ Andrews Experimental Forest

Access Constraints
Available on-line
Use Constraints
See data access policy at www.fsl.orst.edu/lter (especially the data use policy)
Point of Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact PersonTheresa Valentine
Contact OrganizationCorvallis Forest Science Laboratory
Contact PositionSpatial Information Manager
Contact Address
Address Typemailing and physical address
Address3200 SW Jefferson Way
State or ProvinceOregon
Postal Code97332

Contact Voice Telephone541-750-7333
Contact Facsimile Telephone541-750-7760
Contact Electronic Mail Addresstvalentine@fs.fed.us or theresa.valentine@orst.edu
Hours of Servicem-f 0800-1630

Security Information
Security ClassificationUnclassified

Native Data Set Environment
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog
Cross Reference
Citation Information
OriginatorTheresa Valentine
Publication Date2004
Gaged watershed boundaries from 10 meter DEM
Other Citation Details
/data/cascade/hja27/wsheddem hf01404
Online Linkagehttp://www.fsl.orst.edu/lter/data/spatialcatalog.cfm?topnav=160

Data Quality 

Attribute Accuracy
Attribute Accuracy Report
value represents the amount of area that flows to the pixel (multipy by 100 square meters).
Logical Consistency Report
generated from 10 meter DEM
Positional Accuracy
Horizontal Positional Accuracy
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
generated from 10 meter DEM
Source Information
Source Citation
Citation Information
Publication Date1998
10 meter digital elevation model (DEM) clipped to the Andrews Experimental Forest
Other Citation Details
/data/cascade/hja27/lat_10 FSDB Code: gi003 A detailed description of USGS DEMs can be found at http://rockyweb.cr.usgs.gov/elevation/dpi_dem.html as well as a users guide at ftp://mapping.usgs.gov/pub/ti/DEM/demguide/dugdem.txt
Online Linkagehttp://www.fsl.orst.edu/lter/data/spatialcatalog.cfm?topnav=160

Source Scale Denominator10 meter DEM
Type of Source Mediacomputer program
Source Time Period of Content
Time Period Information
Single Date/Time
Calendar Date1998
Source Currentness Reference
publication date
Process Step
Process Description
USGS DEM was converted to lattice.  Sinks were filled, flow direction grid was created, and flow accumulation grid was created and clipped to Andrews Experimental Forest boundary.  Metadata was created in 2005.

GRID functions used:  sink, flowdirection, flowaccumulation
Process Date2003

Process Step
Process Description
Metadata imported.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation

Spatial Data Organization 

Direct Spatial Reference MethodRaster

Raster Object Information
Raster Object TypeGrid Cell
Row Count1100
Column Count1820
Vertical Count1

Spatial Reference 

Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
Planar Coordinate Information
Planar Coordinate Encoding Methodrow and column
Coordinate Representation
Abscissa Resolution10.000000
Ordinate Resolution10.000000
Planar Distance Unitsmeters

Geodetic Model
Horizontal Datum NameNorth American Datum of 1927
Ellipsoid NameClarke 1866
Semi-major Axis6378206.400000
Denominator of Flattening Ratio294.978698

Entities and Attributes 

Detailed Description
Entity Type
Entity Type Labelhjaflow
Entity Type Definition
number of cells that drain to the cell location.
Entity Type Definition SourceFSL Metadata

Attribute Labelhjaflow
Attribute Definition
cell value is the calculated number of 10x10 meter cells that drain to the cell location. This is useful in determining the landscape area that drains to each point in the grid.
Attribute Definition SourceFSL Metadata document
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
numbers representing the number of cells draining to the cell. computer generated

Distribution Information 

Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact PersonTheresa Valentine
Contact OrganizationCorvallis Forest Science Laboratory
Contact PositionSpatial Information Manger
Contact Address
Address Typemailing and physical address
Address3200 SW Jefferson Way
State or ProvinceOR
Postal Code97332

Contact Voice Telephone541-750-7333
Contact Facsimile Telephone541-758-7760
Contact Electronic Mail Addresstvalentine@fs.fed.us or theresa.valentine@orst.edu
Hours of Servicem-f 8:00am-4:30pm

Resource DescriptionDownloadable Data
Distribution Liability
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format NameARCE
Transfer Size7.811

Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource NameT:\gis\oregon\willamette\hjandrews\hjaflow

Ordering Instructions
Obtain information off of WWW site, call contact person for special requests.
Turnaroundas time permits

Custom Order Process
Call contact person for instructions and costs.

Metadata Reference 

Metadata Date2008-02-07
Metadata Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact PersonTheresa Valentine
Contact OrganizationCorvallis Forest Science Laboratory
Contact PositionSpatial Information Manager
Contact Address
Address Typemailing and physical address
Address3200 SW Jefferson Way
State or ProvinceOregon
Postal Code97332

Contact Voice Telephone541-750-7333
Contact Facsimile Telephone541-758-7760
Contact Electronic Mail Addresstvalentine@fs.fed.us or theresa.valentine@orst.edu
Hours of Servicem-f 8:00am-4:00pm

Metadata Standard NameFGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard VersionFGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Conventionlocal time

Metadata Security Information
Metadata Security ClassificationUnclassified